The AAC evaluation process begins with an initial intake that takes the individual’s strengths and filters out apps that are not appropriate for the individual. We gain input and information from family to gather details to better support the AAC user.
From the initial evaluation, we utilize 3 different applications via various systems (e.g. PRC, Tobii, Apple products, etc.). Upon completion of the trials an outcome is determined, and a system is ordered.
The trials are approximately 2 weeks per system. We are looking for trends in increase of usage, development of new words/language functions, and overall interest/response.
There are three different outcomes to trials:
A system is a great fit and we complete the order process.
Two systems are potentially acceptable and require additional trialing period to determine best outcome.
None of the systems are appropriate for the individual, and the trialing process of three new devices begin.
After an evaluation is complete, we will seek out funding for a communication device and provide information to the family to make the best decision on next steps.
We then schedule our first therapy sessions to begin the process and provide support for the AAC user and their communication partners. Each plan comes with an individualized plan and goals to gain the most out of therapy sessions.
We offer AAC training and consultations to both families and professionals. These are based upon the personal needs of the individual that has requested the training.
We also offer educational opportunities through AAC Masterclass for families and professionals to fit a wide variety of needs.
Topics often included are:
AAC assessments
Dual Symbol Immersion
AAC Implementation
At Home Supports
AAC in the Classroom
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